We purchased our polytunnel without furniture, beds to contain the soil and compost for plants within we had decided to construct them ourselves. We just spent the weekend making the timber raised beds. The plan is to have three raised beds one on each side and one down the middle. We also need an area for our seedling and juvenile plant pots and worktables and because we have the room, we intend leaving an area for garden table and chairs. In our explorations before purchasing one of our neighbours had a chair in his, he like to out, sit in it and read. We both thought this was a wonderful idea. The other recommendations everyone gave us was to get a good size, everyone said if they were doing it all again, they would buy a larger tunnel. This and that fact that the price difference for an few extra meters is relatively small. We settled on 10 meters long.
We made the beds with lengths of 5 x 2 untreated timber planks.
We managed over the weekend to make the two side beds and fill them with compost (our own). The first plants to be planted were a bunch of Strawberries and some ‘lambs’ lettuce’. Tonight, after work we planted a few carrot seeds. Because there is hard frost forecast, we also covered the baby ranunculus and anemones flowers which are very young and tender and still in their seedling pots. They would not survive the frost which is on the way.