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Writer's pictureBrian Donnelly

Seeds & Seedlings

It is February it is that time of year again when my wife is like a busy little bee. The house is full of little plastic pots and all sorts of containers labeled and each full of compost and all housing seeds and seedlings. Some wrapped in the clear plastic bags and stored in warm parts of the house to build moisture and heat. They are in the boiler room, and on the floor (because we have underfloor heating) there are even seed trays in the fridge. The fridge! I hear you ask? Indeed, it seems some seeds need to be what is called ‘stratified’ to encourage them to germinate. It seems the fridge can mimic the actual conditions the seed might experience if it were out in the wild, they would be subjected to frost, cold weather and darkness so therefore, the fridge is the perfect environment to store our food, the milk and all the things that get kept in our fridge and also to stratify seeds as they prepare themselves to germinate, nature is wonderful.

Last year we were fortunate to win a grow box from GIY in Waterford. Everything in the box was used and the box itself is now being used to store our ‘library’ of seeds, stored in alphabetical order it is a wonder we did not use a more higher order cataloguing system, we stuck to alphabetical order.

Pots and trays all over the place

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