The weather forecast has been terrible over the weekend. We have been battered by high wind and heavy rain which began yesterday evening, there was nothing than could be done but to tie down the doors of the little greenhouses and hope for the best.
Sure enough, the wind took up yesterday evening late afternoon. We were visiting family friends and came home to see out cold frame had blown across our peas and a cloche had uprooted itself and initially there seems to be damage to the onions. Nothing for it just to throw on the coats and tie down the doors of the plastic greenhouses and put a rock on the cold frame and hope for the best.
This morning we were up early to survey damage, our peas are low, not flattened, but low, cowering down from the wind and rain. Some onion stalks were broken but in the main seem to have survived. The biggest casualty seems to be some of the tomatoes in the tunnel #2 which houses the main crop of tomatoes. Our tunnels are light, and though we did our best to brace them down they are still ‘baggy’ and tend to flap, this flapping shakes the plants that are inside, so we are minus some tomato flowers, the beginnings of tomatoes, we lost some stalks but later with some bamboo staking and straightening to offer support I hope they will survive. The Gardening Guru is very upset this morning. We have just come in and had our breakfast, relaxed and cleared the head. Looks like we are off now to town to find more bamboo canes.
On a positive note, we dug up the first of the ‘new’ potatoes. Wonderful little beige nuggets. They are still a little small, but its good to see how they are progressing.
I also noticed there’s the makings of another container of strawberries.