Our country as are others experiencing an unprecedented national emergency. Coronavirus is limiting our movements. One can still safely get out of the house and out into the fresh air and achieve something positive. Properties and homes also must be cared for. Today we hired a pressure washer to clean our yard of the winter grime. Preferably done on a wet day as the dirt is softened and the rain will help with rinsing down
The washers are reasonably easy to use, we usually stick the garden hose in our wheelie bin and fill it up with water, this will create a supply of water for the machine suck in and deliver through a high pressure hose the other end. At the business end of the high pressure hose a pressure washer gun is equipped with a spray nozzle to concentrate to spray of water.
It’s essential to wear waterproof clothing and wellies. Its also a good tip before you begin to move everything that will fly away, loose things such as flowerpots for example. When finished rinse everything down with the garden hose and perhaps a wet cloth, this will ensure when everything dries windows and doors wont be covered in water stains.
Its good to get something done even when the weather is bad. We are all tired tonight. But we have a clean yard.
I’m afraid not the most exciting of blogs. The work helped take my mind off things.