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We have been busy!

Our poor country is suffering along with the rest of the world in the grip of the Corona-19 virus pandemic.

We are lucky to have our garden to keep our minds active, the time of year means there’s lots to occupy us outside of work which we are lucky to have.

We have begun planting outdoors, some rows of onions, garlic and scallions. We planted some varieties of potatoes just a few rows. The strawberries from last year we tidied up and replanted, they are coming along and looking healthy.

We replaced the cover of our little ‘polytunnel’ with a new cover last years one didn’t survive the winter. This took quite a bit of work, due to the new replacement cover not quite fitting properly. It was quite a big problem as the issue was the cover didn’t quite reach the ground. This would have allowed wind to get underneath. We figured out a solution involving the use of small stakes and some pallet timber. So, let’s see how it works out.

We plan on erecting a second ‘polytunnel’ hopefully the new one will work out better than the replacement covered one. For little investment we really got benefit from the single tunnel last year. We can’t wait to see what we can get out of two. I already hear mention of the possibility of making a bigger investment in a proper polytunnel for next year.

We used some recycled pallet timber to make two raised beds. These beds will hold some lettuce and some spring onions. In the other deeper one we hope to sow some carrots and parsnips.

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